NYStretch Technical Support & Outreach
About NYStretch
NYStretchEnergy Code - 2020 was developed by NYSERDA as a statewide model code for New York jurisdictions to use to meet their energy and climate goals by accelerating the savings obtained through their local building energy codes. For jurisdictions that adopt it, NYStretch canprovide savings of roughly 11% over the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (2020 ECCC-NYS).
NYStretch-2020 adoption is one of 13 High Impact Actions of the Clean Energy Communities Leadership Round. Communities that adopt NYStretch-2020 may become eligible for grant funding and designation as a Clean Energy Community. Communities do not however need to participate in the Clean Energy Communities program to adopt NYStretch-2020. For more information, contact the Clean Energy Community Coordinator in your region.
How to Comply?
Demonstrate completion of the NYStretch action by submitting the following documentation:
Submit a certified copy of an executed local law or ordinance adopting the NYStretch Energy Code on a jurisdiction-wide basis. The code may be customized to fit local needs and priorities but, if customized, the jurisdiction must be able to demonstrate that the adopted code is at least as stringent as the NYStretch Energy Code-2020 and conforms with the same scope and administration required by the ECCCNYS-2020. For example, jurisdictions cannot limit NYStretch applicability to certain building types, segments of the construction market, new or existing buildings, or categories of existing building construction apart from compliance required by the ECCCNYS-2020. Date of completion is when NYStretch takes effect.
Within 30 days of adopting NYStretch, the municipality shall file the form titled, “Filing to the State Fire Prevention & Building Code Council of More Stringent Local Energy Conservation Construction Code” with the New York State Department of State Division of Building Standards and Code pursuant to Energy Law §11-109. Submit a copy of the filed form. If the applicant fails to file the form within 30 days, submit evidence that the filing was approved by the State Fire Prevention & Building Code Council.
The executed local law or ordinance shall be adopted and take effect no later than June 31, 2022.
NYSERDA’s template legislation may be used as a resource by municipalities in developing their own NYStretch Code authorization. An Adoption Guide is also available.
Engage design professionals, developers, builders, and the general public as the jurisdiction considers and ultimately implements a NYStretch Code locally.